(Please note that these topics are still in development. Kindly visit later to explore these topics one by one.)
Issues Discussions TOPICS
- Accountable State: What Myanmar is Lacking
- Burmanization - Centralization Loop
- Common Good(s) Re-imagined
- Constitutions and Constitutionalism
- Deliberation: The Culture to Adopt
- Exploitation, Oppression and Seduction
- Federalism: Why does it even exist?
- Grandiosity and Supremacy
- Hierarchical Skepticism
- Indigenous Nations: The Other and The Becoming
- Jingoism and Chauvinism
- Kleptocracy, Nepotism and Plutocracy
- Laboratories of Democracies
- Majority Privilege and Tyranny of Majority
- Mandate: What is it and how do we understand?
- Money and Power
- Nation: The most misunderstood concept
- Negotiation and Mediation: Bargaining Power
- Normative Politics and its Pitfalls
- Opposition: Consent of the Lost
- Patronage
- Political Heritage and Cultural Ascendancy
- Power and its pitfalls
- Principle Contradiction
- Quest for Power: Elitism and Cronyism
- Resistance and Revolutions
- Rights and Responsibility
- Self-determination
- Solidarity of the Oppressed
- State as a System
- Theocracy and Traditions
- Unitary or Union: The Question of Federation
- Universality of Ideals Reconsidered
- Veto and Voting Power
- Violence and its Varieties
- Virtues of a Critical Thinker
- War Economy of Myanmar
- War, Weapons, Warlords and Winners: The Mafia State
- Welfare in Politics
- Xenophobia
- Youthquake of the Spring
- Zero-sum Mindset
Specifically ENDORSED Philosophical Foundations
- Constructionist Realism
- An Ecosystem of Peace
- Deliberative Communitarianism
- Social Market Economy
- Humanization of Politics
- Demystifying Asian Philosophy: Hermeneutical Readings
- Absurd life in Tao way
- Navigating the Burning Out Society
- How to read history?
Capacity Building
- Critical Thinking and Critical Reading
- System Thinking
- Strategic Thinking
- Dialectical Thinking
- Right questioning
- Conflict Analysis
- Realignment of Life
- Community leadership and Organizing
- Presentation skills and Articulation
- Facilitation skills
- Writing skills
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